Live Help With Flutter Every Wednesday on #FlutterQandA
Come to the Dart Side, we have cookies… and people who can help you with Firebase, Redux or InheritedWidget.
- Do you need help with Flutter?
- Are you tired of trying to get help in text chats and forums?
- Do you wish you could talk to a human being, have them look at your code with a shared desktop and explain what’s going on?
Then FlutterQandA is for you!
Every Wednesday we turn “the Flutter Freelancer’s Office” into an all-day, live help session for Flutter where we have people ready to help you. Please note that as of November 1, 2018 the Freelancer’s Office will only be doing teaching sessions on Wednesdays.
We used to help people with complex issues every day, but we’ve reached a point where there are so many people who want help that many of us have fallen badly behind schedule on the work we’re doing for paying clients, and it’s reached a point where this cannot continue. Therefore, the Zoom will be a remote office for Flutter developers on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and we will do help sessions on Wednesday from 00:00 to 23:59 UTC.
That’s not to say that you can’t get a quick question answered on the days we’re all working; it’s just that longer teaching sessions are going to be limited to Wednesdays. If we’re all in “the office” and you need a quick tip because you got stuck on an app you’re doing for a client, then just ask.
So come on out to #FlutterQandA and see how much better it is when you can ask questions and get answers in a real conversation, from a real human! Here’s the link:
Live Help With Flutter Every Wednesday on #HumpDayQandA was originally published in Flutter Community on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.